Ongoing Projects
Coinbase Scalp
Keywords: PyTorch, API, JSON
Objectives: Using Python, develop a program that can take in a user's API key and secret, and use it to make trades on the Coinbase Pro exchange.
Integrated Coinbase Trading Pro API using Python script capable of calling orders, history, and historical prices of cryptocurrencies
Developed tuneable ticker and indicator options to allow user to interpret different strategies for scalping
Worked towards implementing a stock prediction analysis continuous machine learning model to help predict general market movements
Gained heavy experience working with API, JSON, and PyTorch
Keywords: PyTorch, LLM
Objectives: Develop a fine-tuned version of Chat-Neo 125M capable of replicating Johnny Silverhand from Cyberpunk 2077
Gained heavy experience in PyTorch applications for large language model fine-tuning
Used HuggingFace dataset structure and best-practices
Scraped data using Johnny Silverhand caption JSON files from Cyberpunk 2077 ./r6 and ./archive folders using WOLVENKIT
Collected other forms of data through the use of Python scripts to collect data from web sources of general lore-related texts
Keywords: Linux, Bash, Docker, Networking
Objectives: Build a home server running UnraidOS to create a hands-on learning environment for DevOps and ITOps.
Hosted VOIP and game-server services on a reverse-proxy configuration using DuckDNS docker contanier pointed towards Cloudflare reverse-proxy set up using personal domain
Designed and configured 2x4TB hard drive solution running in a tuned RAID 1 configuration
Gained experience using Docker containers, such as running self-hosted cloud photo storage
Developed profieiency in virtualization, and optimization of network connected virtual environments
Implemented Network PiHole, a network-level ad and tracker blocker using DNS request filtering, blocking 22% of requests and increasing website load times
Arduino ESP8266Wifi API
Keywords: Arduino, C++, APIs, JSON
Objectives: Assemble an Arduino with an ESP8266 Wifi chip, connect it to a weather API and display the weather on an LCD screen.
Developed precise and detailed documentation on hardware and software aspects of project
Gained experience in safe API calls through the use of website fingerprint verification, and safe local network connections to prevent malicious web-attacks
Gained experience working with embedded systems such as Arduino microcontrollers and ESP8266 chips
Developed a simple and easy to use API for the Arduino to connect to the weather API, gaining expeience in API and JSON
Completed Projects
Overwatch 2 Leaderboard OCR Tool
Keywords: C++, C#, Python, PyTesseract
Objectives: Using a Python fork of Google's Tesseract OCR, develop a full fledged program capable of taking screenshots, processing the data of the screenshot and uploading the results to a .csv file.
Gained major experience using PyTesseract- Google's wrapper for their Tesseract OCR
Developed lightweight C++ screenshot program with formal GC and thread optimization
Integrated C++ screenshot program and Python OCR program into a C# program with functional UI, designed for Windows Desktop conventional usage
Learned intracies of computer vision and approach methodology, using a reiterative process with a fixed scope
Trained CV program using personal dataset and developed image tuning customization to allow for easier training using chroma filters, deskew, and image sharpening
Through reiteration and improvements in efficiency, overall accuracy went from 65% to 85%
Dyno Driveshaft Model
Keywords: Reverse Engineering, SOLIDWORKS
Objectives: Reverse engineer model a driveshaft in SOLIDWORKS to an accuracy of a 0.001".
Developed driveshaft SOLIDWORKS model involving SAE 1550 Flange Yoke to be used for a dynocell connection
Learned reverse engineering methodology and approaches
Measured and designed every part with an accuracy of 0.001" using micrometer and digital caliper
Designed according to ISO automotive standards for dimension ratios
Keywords: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Networking
Objectives: Develop a portfolio website with a focus on performance and simple-aesthetics, gain proficiency in CSS, gain further experience with DNS & large-scale networking.
Developed a portfolio website
Focus on performance using Google Lighthouse and WebPageTest results
Optimized for simple-aesthetics to ensure clean user experience, whilst also accessible and search engine optimized.
Used domain as a part of a Cloudflare reverse-proxy configuration for HomeLab server to increase safety of direct-ip connections.
Improved understanding of network infrastructure through the use of DNS configuration, and .htaccess tweaks
Developed a dark-light mode toggle for the website
Followed Googles recommended practice for sitemaps, webmanifests, service-workers, Google Analytics, and site-crawlers